Digitization of the sales team

by using CRM and Marketing Automation

With our client Intelsol, we embarked on a big challenge and that was the complete digitization of the sales team. Initially, the sales team worked mainly in Excel spreadsheets and rarely worked with digital tools. After a thorough mapping of the processes, we proceeded to the implementation of CRM Pipedrive with a connection to the marketing automation tool ActiveCampaign and the creation of a simple e-shop on the Wordpress platform.

Do you need a similar solution? Fill in the details and we will get back to you.

Project benefits

  • Several times higher year-on-year turnover (due to the unusual situation on the market - the pandemic)
  • Effective transfer of leads from the acquisition department, from email mailings and from the e-shop directly to merchants in the CRM
  • Advanced reporting for business team management
  • Stronger and clearer delegation of tasks to the sales team
  • Automation of a large part of internal processes



Lead generation for ZOOT through a competition for fashion annuity

Form Factory

Implementation of advanced analytics,
NPS and chatbot “Honza”


Campaign for students "Youth account gives you 1000 cash"